By Teh_dw33bin4tor - 15/03/2012 12:12 - Australia

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. She said it's a good thing, because it was a "mutual decision", and that while she wouldn't mind staying together, I was the one who wanted to split, and she respected my decision. I wish I had been a part of this delusional conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 357
You deserved it 2 525

Teh_dw33bin4tor tells us more.

Hey, I am kind of astounded this made the front page, but I also realized that I wasn't logged in when I created and submitted this. I'm the OP. I should have phrased this better, but I was running out of room to create the FML. The actual story is that she flat-out broke up with me, and then went around and told all my friends, which happen to also be her friends too, that it was a mutual break-up, but it was my decision for the most part that split us apart, which effectively framed me as the "bad-guy". When I confronted her on it, she first denied telling her (our) friends this, then changed her story to "she couldn't think of what to say". All this while her new "boyfriend" (of 1 day) was helping her move out of my apartment. Sorry for the confusion in the phrasing.

Top comments

Don't forget to remind her of the $50,000 that she promised to give you at the end of that conversation. If she gets to make shit up, so do you.

Well, I guess at least now you won't have to be part of any more delusional conversations with her...


missnuthin 10

sounds to me like it's best that shes out of your life anyway, lying bitch. tell everyone you broke up with her because she's delusional and a liar.

well she seems like she's crazy. dont worry about it. there are less crazy girls out there

She sounds like a complete and total bitch, just be glad you no longer have to deal with something like that. I feel sorry for her new boyfriend though. I hope your friends can believe you, if not always confront her again and have a hidden recorder.

This is when you announce that your homosexual, and the only reason you stayed with her was because she looked like a guy :)

Get out while you can. That bitch be crazy!

Girls can be very crazy indeed!! The women I have been in contact with, all want their way, and nothing else. And if you tell them very different, you're the bad guy!