By enriquegay - 28/03/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, my girlfriend dropped me off for a class and I accidentally closed my exceptionally baggy pants in the passenger door. She didn't notice and started to drive away. I spent the next fifteen seconds being dragged across rough pavement with my pants around my ankles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 163
You deserved it 37 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jeffers 0

if your pants are so baggy that they're getting caught in a car door, then they're to F***ing baggy

bridgette5866 0

This was seemingly inevitable but it seems I get to do the honors. PANTS ON THE GROUND, PANTS ON THE GROUND. LOOKIN LIKE A FOOL WITH YOUR PANTS ON THE GROUND.


TheHeroHartmut 0

Clowns also wear baggy pants. Coincidence? I think not.

This isn't a "I agree, your life is f***ed", or a "you deserved that one", this is a "there's obviously no ******* way this happened you retard." I still do not understand the appeal to lying on here. It makes no sense.

you deserve this for wearing dumb pants.

Omg. That sucks. I hope you're alright.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. i'm sorry but i have no sympathy what-so-ever for people who wear baggy pants - most hideous things of my life.

tylerisnotcool34 0

and they say tight jeans are bad........ bwahaha

Stop dressing like a retard. Also, why does your name say "enrique" and "gay" while you claim to have a girlfriend? :s