
By MerryDeathmas - 18/07/2015 04:31 - Canada - Lloydminster

Today, after an argument with my girlfriend, I tried to be dramatic by slamming my car door shut as hard as I could. Something broke and now it won't open. Now I have to climb through the passenger's side just to drive my car to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 528
You deserved it 30 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonetribute 31

Kind of a bratty thing to do, hon.

This makes me happy. I definitely hit YDI.


Maybe next time you shouldn't try to be dramatic. Maybe next time you should try to resolve the issue.

Even though I agree with you, we've all done something like this before. Whether it be a car door, bedroom door, etc.

I have no words other than ydi u idiot. Stop being such a dramatic ****. People like you annoy me and you deserve it.

This makes me happy. I definitely hit YDI.

This is giving me flashbacks to Mr Incredible when he lost his job....

I totally thought of that too! I'm not alone. Haha

"That was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!" -Little Neighborhood Kid in the Incredibles

wicked "that was totally wicked" kid from incredibles

5FDPmetalhead 17

That was the first thing that popped into my mind?

_guy_j 12

How would being dramatic help?

thatonetribute 31

Kind of a bratty thing to do, hon.

we've all done something like this once though...

I bet that gets wheely tiring after a while.

I appreciate the effort but you may have tried a little too hard..

Any car will do that depending on how hard you slam it/hit it. Easy 10 minute fix to reconnect the rod/clip or replace it completely.