By enriquegay - 28/03/2009 17:17 - United States

Today, my girlfriend dropped me off for a class and I accidentally closed my exceptionally baggy pants in the passenger door. She didn't notice and started to drive away. I spent the next fifteen seconds being dragged across rough pavement with my pants around my ankles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 163
You deserved it 37 523

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jeffers 0

if your pants are so baggy that they're getting caught in a car door, then they're to F***ing baggy

bridgette5866 0

This was seemingly inevitable but it seems I get to do the honors. PANTS ON THE GROUND, PANTS ON THE GROUND. LOOKIN LIKE A FOOL WITH YOUR PANTS ON THE GROUND.


who the hell wears *exceptionally* baggy pants anymore? i mean, i can understand loose, so they're comfortable... but its your own fault for shopping at the hot topic clearance rack, buddy.

bioclock 0

I'm with #22. Exceptionally baggy pants are awful. Wear pants that actually fit your damn ass. I'm sorry you got dragged by a car; that must have been painful and damn embarrassing (though I'm wondering how you didn't get pulled under the back wheel...), but maybe you'll learn to dress properly.

alex_vik 0

YDI for trying to be 'ghetto'

MukyDaCookie 0

G-G-G-GANSTAA we got a straight thug in here reppin it up fo the west syydee dude, the gangster thing is over. Find a size that fits

du du du dumbass! only a retard would do that, let alone even wear that baggy shit.. gotta agree with #25. get some new clothes

xThatRandomGirlx 0

What are you demographically....african american?

aaahaahaha. at least it was your girlfriend and hopefully you two can laugh about this? in the future anyway.. when you're secure in your pants staying up when you get out of a car..