By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 22:50 - France

Today, my girlfriend gave herself a black eye by running into a door. To avoid being teased about her clumsiness, she's telling everyone that I hit her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 106
You deserved it 3 666

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry, but domestic abuse is not something you joke about. You should beat her for that. Er, discuss it.


ydi for dating an apparent moron, IF she's still your girlfriend that is. I hope you dumped her ass.

We've all heard THAT one before! Shame on you! LOL!

all of the ones by castskincollections are fake, the gender keeps changing.

Dude... just what the hell are you doing still calling her "girlfriend"?? leave the liar, she obviously ain't worth it. No girl that respected (loves) her man would do something like that. fight for your respect n leave her >.>

addisonsmom 0

My husband would say this if it was the other way around lol. Joking of course tho! If she is being serious about it, I'd say it's time for a new girlfriend!

Bawxy 0

Wow... some things you just DON'T do.

Jaylishaaa 0

hahah oh wow. my boyfriend gotta kick outta this

SaRah_In_LoVe 0

Well, if she's saying you did, then you might as well :P J/K but really that is some b.s. on her part.