By notgoodenough38 - 27/12/2009 22:34 - United States

Today, my girlfriend left me for my sister. I can't stop thinking about all those days they went out alone for "girl time." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 647
You deserved it 3 873

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sun_Kissed18 25

I love my "girl time" ;) haha but seriously that sucks :/ nothing you could have done short of a sex change though


Lol is this a joke lollol :D Good god reading all the "my boyfrend dumped me for my sister" I thought you could at least safely have a lover if your sibling was of an opposite sex. Apparently america is alternative even in that way. Lol man...

Haha. im a lesbian too. if i was bi id leave you for your sister too(;

Hey at least u made two women happy lol