By dumped - 05/06/2009 17:14 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me because the love advice that she gets on her cellphone every week says that I'm cheating on her. I've never cheated on her and I was planning to propose next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 902
You deserved it 6 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if she takes advise from a cellphone love advise i would just leave

If she's listens to cellphone advice over common sense, you came out on top my friend.


littlexlune 16

Tbh if she listens to a dumbass phone app, you'd better get the **** out of dodge

Sorry about that, hope you found someone that trusts you more than an automated service

blah2112 11

She's too stupid... Take it as a sign and thank god that you found out early on!

Think of it as a blessing in disguise. What happens if you did get married and it told her you were cheating on her later.

This is good for you. You don't need someone who believes something about you based on no evidence.

she doesn't deserve you if she trusts some random stranger more then you

And I think we've reached an entirely new level of stupidity.

You're better off without her if she lives her life off of stupid things like that.