By NoTattoo - 12/08/2015 17:50

Today, my girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me because I refused to get her name tattooed on my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 394
You deserved it 2 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Overly attached girlfriend meme, is that you?

Id say you dodged a bullet. Better wasting 7 months than 7 years...


I would've ended the breakup with, "....aaaaannd that's why I wasn't going to get that tattoo. Thanks for showing me I made the right choice!"

You don't nerd Her. Hopefully she doesn't attack you bride on the wedding day.

Jethco 15

It's good you didn't give in to peer pressure

Steve_Dudley_UK 10

There is another FMY I read which read boyfriend got the girl to get a tattoo of his name then dumped her saying he kept quiet about dumping her until after the tattoo as he wanted her to have something to remember him by. Think yourself lucky. That she walked out for such a soft reason just proves you were right.

EcoAirWarrior 7

Chase her away while screaming vernal abuse

If she reacted like that, you're definitely better off without that in your life.

usnwife 18

Im proud of you OP! Even after 7 years married and every intent to stay that way forever, no way Im getting hubbys name on me. We got tattoos that go together and represemt our relationship, but they work alone too and no names or dates. The only acceptable names to get are kids or parents/close family remembrance, IMO

How is this an 'FML'? Be happy that psycho b**** is gone!