By NoTattoo - 12/08/2015 17:50

Today, my girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me because I refused to get her name tattooed on my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 394
You deserved it 2 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Overly attached girlfriend meme, is that you?

Id say you dodged a bullet. Better wasting 7 months than 7 years...


That may still happen, to be honest. Obviously, it would be great if that didn't happen. "Today, I got shot in the head and chest after refusing to get my ex-girlfriend's name tattooed on my chest. FML"

Psycho much. Might be time to re-evaluate the relationship OP.

not ever worth it. good for u. u made the better choice. what if you would have gotten it and she broke up with you afterwards. would've been a better fml doe

extraballbing 4

OP, I know you're bummed today but this will make a fantastic story one day. You get to walk away from a relationship with a crazy, crazy person absolutely guilt-free. Please though - crazy is like mold, very hard to get rid of in the end. She will come back. If I were you I'd consider getting a temporary tattoo of someone else's name just to make sure she knows that your door is no longer open to her.

I'd rather not be stuck with any of these for the rest of my life.

good thing you didn't. she might have broke up with you afterwards. crazy bitch.

magickiss87 22

Good riddance. Sucks now, OP, but You'll be better off without that crazy person.