By NoTattoo - 12/08/2015 17:50

Today, my girlfriend of 7 months broke up with me because I refused to get her name tattooed on my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 394
You deserved it 2 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Overly attached girlfriend meme, is that you?

Id say you dodged a bullet. Better wasting 7 months than 7 years...


If you did you better date girls with the same name or turn it into a tribal if it's fancy enough...

wickedhyype 17

Just like a tattoo , ill always have you... Your girl has been listening To too much Jordan sparks. Fyl op

Did you know Stephen Baldwin has a Hannah Montana tattoo? He obviously regrets it. I agree with #14, you dodged a bullet.

Seriously?!?!? That's just nasty man!!!

butterfingers583 21

that is crazy, be so glad you didn't do it.

YDI, and by that I mean you deserve better than a crazy girlfriend, especially seeing as you seem to have some common sense.

hahah I'm sorry bud but maybe you're better off that chick sounds crazy

ladyg228 15

Good riddance! What a nutcase

My wife of 19 years convinced me to get her name on the back of my shoulder. Before we hit 21 she moved out. Only kids' and parents' names. That never ends.