By larvagirl23 - 18/06/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of ten months sent me a picture message of her making out with a guy. Under it, it read, "You can pick your stuff up in the morning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 933
You deserved it 5 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ohhhhshizzz 0

Reading fail, the OP is a girl; she's a lesbian.

loopty95 0

wat does sugar do....?sorry idk much about cars....

DookieMan1028 0
Roxas_fml 0

She's a stupid bitch. You're better off without her.

pisser27 0

**** that bitch. I hope she dies.

bambition7 0

wow what a bitch karmas gonna get her bad 150 u took it a little too far i would hate to get on ur bad side

Bored_2_Death 0

Don't wait for karma, send her a picture of you doing her best (girl) friend, or her sister or mom. I don't care if they're ugly, find a way. Or just go super-**** and steal the guy from her, and then dump him. Hah. And 150, why not hope for her suffering? Dieing is the easy way out.

karma will get her. but sweet revenge sounds good too. spread her deed ard the L world. and make sure that slutty bisexual nvr gets a female date again ever.