By larvagirl23 - 18/06/2009 15:08 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of ten months sent me a picture message of her making out with a guy. Under it, it read, "You can pick your stuff up in the morning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 95 933
You deserved it 5 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's brutal. Sorry to hear that.

why do people get thumbs down just because they don't agree with homosexuality? that is so stupid, freedom of speech, right?

ahh sucks why cant people understand thats its a girl? thats kind of weird...

Sleepwalker418 0

It's the way that you say it. You're not saying 'I don't agree with your lifestyle', you're saying EWLESBIANSYDI! Which is why you get thumbs down.

That's extremely cold hearted. Nothing to do but move on and be glad you got out of a relationship with such an uncaring person.

dancing_bear 0

Oh my God, ouch. Still, if she's that much of an arsehole you're far better off without her.

Well she's obviously a bitch so don't get too worked up about it.