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By FFFFF- - 02/03/2011 17:12 - Singapore

Today, my girlfriend's best friend told me she was in hospital after having made a suicide attempt. In shock, I had a panic attack and ended up in the hospital myself. Turns out it was all a lie to see whether or not I was committed to the relationship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 113
You deserved it 5 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have some one call her and tell her you're dead see how that goes


I agree #9. Anyone who feels the need to test their partner's feelings for them is insecure and immature. She and her so called friend, who told the guy that story, both need to grow up.

angeleyesoz 0

and I agree with u #169. spot on!

Brighteyes - No, they're not always brought on by neurological disorders. Just sayin'.

how does a panic attack end up in a hospital?

phermes1 0

Psycho. Run away, do not walk.

Dump her, really. That behavior is manipulative, controlling, and downright cruel.

NYBellz 0

... cannot wait to ur post when she tells u ages pregnant

dump the bitch dude.. that shit isn't a joke

Dump her. You don't need those kind of mind games.