By Single - 04/12/2012 16:17 - United Kingdom - Bath

Today, my girlfriend showed me a print of a Banksy that she'd just bought, telling me it was an original. When I tried to argue that it wasn't, she broke up with me for "implying she was a moron." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 060
You deserved it 2 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, in other news, you are no longer IMPLYING she's a moron, because she proved it to you. Wouldn't she be your ex now?

While I agree that the manner in which they are all going ask about who Banksy is, and the abundance of these same posts, is going to be depressing, I think it's a little harsh to compare them to cave-dwellers lacking education just because they do not yet know who Banksy is. I mean I didn't know who Banksy was until today; I had to look him up on wikipedia. I do agree though that it shows that they don't know how to search for these things which is a few letters and an enter button away, though, which is a bad mind-set to have.


AbraxasVI 0
TcheQ 12

You are better off, OP. Find someone smarter.

Therewhenneeded 16

Oh lordy...your point is proven. =/ I hope she realizes her error and apologizes.

You guys are aware that Banksy does prints as well, right? So while it's unlikely that hers is authentic, it CAN be. Why is she a moron?

Because originals and prints are two different things.

HooHooHa 6

Alan, why the hell do you act like a prick everywhere you go? Do you exp

HooHooHa 6

Alan, why the hell do you act like a prick everywhere you go? Don't expect us to mount you on a pedestal and respect you, when you can't respect anyone else. Asshole.

HooHooHa 6

Good for you. She has horrible taste in what is called art but is just graffiti and vandalism.

Well... she is a moron. She displayed it with not making sure that an art piece was from the actual artist.