By Anonymous - 06/09/2018 15:00

Today, my girlfriend turned down my marriage proposal because the ring I gave her was bigger than the one her sister got at her proposal. Apparently she wouldn't be able to brag to her sister without "looking like a bitch for having a bigger ring". FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 265
You deserved it 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Оh, you poor naive thing :-( I am sorry, dude. She should've had decency to give you the actual reason.

I'm not entirely sure I would believe that reasoning-- if it meant that much to her, that never should've crossed her mind.


Wow I don't know if that was a very creative or very asinine way of telling you she does not want to marry you but either way you dodged the bullet man 🤔😐😌

Why not accept the proposal and just say ‘no’ to that particular ring?

Something about her excuse does not ring true.

I guess she doesn’t want to break up with you without looking like a bitch for turning you down. Damn FYL

why does everyone keep talking about marriage like it's a bullet to be dodged if you find the right person it's awesome I've been married for 8 years and have to beautiful children

I think the bullet he dodged is this particular woman, not the concept of marriage in general.

Pornstartled 14

@thetwitchy1 it's not the marriage I'm on about. It's the apparent shallowness of a person that claims the ring as the reason fo refusing. That shallowness: a bullet.

lucky her. I wish my boyfriend would propose