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My precious

By machismo - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, in preparation for proposing to my girlfriend, I borrowed one of her rings so I could discreetly get her ring size. Not only have I now lost the ring, which turns out to be a keepsake from her dead grandmother, I still don't know her ring size. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 484
You deserved it 45 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

"Borrowed discreetly" is a euphemism for "stole." The ghost of Granny is already haunting you!

Really, I don't know why you got so many "YDI".. I don't think you do, unless you were REALLY careless with the ring, you didn't mean to lose it. I think its sweet you tried to go through all the work so it'd be perfect. Best of luck finding grandmas ring.


perdix 29

"Borrowed discreetly" is a euphemism for "stole." The ghost of Granny is already haunting you!

I wouldn't say "stole". By the sounds of it, OP had all intentions of returning the ring.

I just hope he finds it in time or it won't look too good

perdix 29

#6. I think that's what The Grinch told Cindy Lou Who.

Perdix do you mind if I "borrow" your sense of humour???

25 - You'll have to borrow it 'discreetly'

perdix 29

#25, if you have the intention of returning it, sure, why not?

GoW_Chick 14

At least OP would know who to call ... Ghostbusters!

brianfantana32 10

I don't think Ghostbusters could help herr

GoW_Chick 14

I was going off what perdix said about the granny haunting OP, but it kind of failed, oh well, comments can't all be winners.

perdix 29

#59, Don't worry. At least it wasn't Rat-ghostbusters! Hahahaha!

bizarre_ftw 21

Screw the ghost, if I had any reason to I'D haunt him!!! OP you better either find that ring or take this secret to the grave because if it gets out you'll have friends, family members, and one pissed off girlfriend taking turns using your balls for batting practice!!!

laurbear12 3

Why do all of your comments suck?

Oreohugzpenny 4

Oh YDI for taking the ring FYL for losing it!

He didn't say he borrowed it discreetly. He said he borrowed it so he could get his girlfriends ring size discreetly. Big difference.

Just buy the ring and get it resized later, she won't mind. Plus, GET SEARCHING!!!

She probably won't mind, but it was pretty cool that my hubby went to the effort of getting my size, that way you don't have to give it up (for sometimes up to 2 weeks) right after you get it and you're in total show-it-off mode :)

Haha, true. My fiancé never wore any rings though, so I had to guess!

TheDrifter 23

Better find that ring, or she is likely to have your tedticles mounted as a necklace.

Tedicles? You don't happen to mean testicles do you? Stick to simple words like "Balls" if you can't spell.

Yeah that'd be pretty weird and disturbing. That was a terrible euphemism :

A ballsack necklace.... how do you sleep at night....

GoWithTheFro - Jesus ****, it was a simple typo. Look carefully at your keyboard and notice that the "d" is right next to "s".

41- He also forgot the "t" so it wasn't just a typo.

No he didn't. The guy who acted like an overzealous ass forgot the "t". TheDrifter said "tedticles". Go look again, smart guy.

TheDrifter 23

Thanks, I didn't notice my typo until after I hit send. As for how I sleep at night, it's a scary, scary place in my head, I am actually kind of relieved when it shuts off.

It's called a typo don't be such an ass bro

Glitterhinoceros 14

You could have 'borrowed' her phone, and asked one of her close friends what ring size she wore. After all, if you lose a phone, you can replace it, unlike her grandmothers ring

Yeah, cause most people just have their friends ring size handy.. I mean, maybe if somehow you got into the specific topic of ring size, but most friends don't know that stuff..

I don't know the ring size of any of my friends none of them would know my size either.. This is not something women talk about. OP had the right idea. It's just a shame he didn't make a point of keeping her ring in his wallet or somewhere else he knew he wouldn't lose it..

maybe if they knew her in high-school and just happen to remember from when she got her class ring but then again that was last year for me and I don't remember my own (6 and a half maybe)

crazyrunnergirl 7

That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard

BarDownDaily 12

4- This has nothing to do with your comment. But the fact you think Ovechkin is better than Crosby is pathetic!!

Really, I don't know why you got so many "YDI".. I don't think you do, unless you were REALLY careless with the ring, you didn't mean to lose it. I think its sweet you tried to go through all the work so it'd be perfect. Best of luck finding grandmas ring.

cadillacgal79 32

I actually clicked both. FYL cause you meant well, YDI cause if you lost, you were probably being careless.

anonymous100000 17

he could've asked her friends or her parents. or he even could've looked at her finger and gotten a smaller size and adjusted it later on. or he even could've bought her some cheap ring for like a birthday or holiday and found out her ring size that way.

every1luvsboners 11

Go dig up her grandma to check if she's wearing any rings. If so, you're in bidness.

PrincessesCrown 17

If she loves you she will understand that you were only trying to be romantic. or you could start searching. I suggest looking first before you told her you lost it.

I feel bad for you and yet I want to strangle you

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid" - John Wayne You should have been more careful OP! FYL and the best of luck! You will need it.

I have to disagree with this quote dear sir. It is of personal opinion that I can say life is especially tough for the ones who are smart. I will therefore counter with this : "Happiness in inteligent people is the rarest thing I know." -Mark Twain I agree that in certain situations, a low IQ can be a disadvantage, though.

He said life would be easier for smart people, not that it would be happier.

It's a sign that you're not meant to be :p

brianfantana32 10

That was a hilarious joke, tell another

I shall rejoice that you didn't write "your" instead of "you're". That's all the sympathy you get from me and my mangoes.