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By ohsnap - 22/01/2011 21:24 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was going down on me, when I heard my dog start growling. He must have thought my girlfriend was hurting me, because out of nowhere and before I could do anything, he attacked her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 843
You deserved it 5 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dogs and ******* have never really gotten along much, y'know.

The number 1 reason the pets should never be in the same room as 2 people having sex. it never works out.


mesoleeet 0

why would you get freaky with the dog in your room?! LOL

I_R_Genius 3

Het *********** (sp?) is climbing in the lorn industry. Maybe you should start your own adult film company and call it "my trusty companion(sp?)."

I_R_Genius 3

How the hell is it getting "het" out of "hey." SMFH.

it is bad when people correct them selves like that because the stupid grammar nazis are so bad..i got what you were saying buddy :)

Dogs and ******* have never really gotten along much, y'know.

Your comment wins the award for epicness. Usually when I say lol, I don't actually laugh out loud.

funniest comment fml has seen in a loooong time. LMAO

planbsponserme 2

I didn't think it was funny at all. and i have a great sinse of humor

I guess we could say, that dog was *put on sunglasses* a **** bite. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaa

geigercounter 0

I describe how awesome this was XD

daaron 3

true jealously your dig has for u what have you been doing

Xxgreenbug29xX 5

The number 1 reason the pets should never be in the same room as 2 people having sex. it never works out.

xMaNNiNGx119 0

What's the number 2 reason? They might get into it?

yea, and then your girlfriend might decide the dog's better than you...

Cooldown987 0

Now that's one special kind of threesome.

Hahhaha! apparenty the girl wasn't good enough and your dog decided to take care of it for you. good dog ;)

ohthebloodygore 16

Girls like to be called 'bitch'?


well he added "hott"?? haha jk. fml guyz are dorks. (;

JmZ your batting 100 with the online ladies, nice work!!!

hook_em 0

I'll help out what about you are one beautiful girl! ;) lol

SarahCrazy is a beautiful women. I'm pretty sure she doesn't enjoy being called hott, shows immaturity when approaching a women. secondly bitch is on a females hate meter next to ****, either one should land u a swift kick in the nuts. Figuratively Speaking:)

Well since this whole thread has been dedicated to your attractiveness, then yeah I agree you are stunning.

56, 60, 61 know how to sweet talk a lady and treat her right. y'all else are pathetic.

hook_em 0

I suppose they got tired of us showing them up for being respectful?? jealous ppl I swear haha

notsoluckypup 12
XxKyttixX 0

How long was your dog even watching?