By dareyale - 26/07/2013 06:10 - United States - Bessemer

Today, my grandma walked into my house drunk. She was mumbling something about her being a badass because she beat someone with a pool stick at a bar. She's 68 years old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 109
You deserved it 4 160

dareyale tells us more.

Hey guys OP here. Well I love my grandma but she always decides to come in during the early hours of the morning. She's always been like this. This one time when I was younger she took me on a wild hunt for her boyfriend. We pulled up outside an old motel and there he was. In a car. With a Hooker. My grandma jumped out the car and took off. She pulled them both out the car and started beating him. Have you ever seen a Hooker take off so fast in heels?!

Top comments

I would advise that you don't piss her off...


kathryn14 19

Drunk Grandma strikes again

grandma wont be getting ran over by any reigndeers

shadowfighter10 9

I'm not seeing the "FML" worthiness here. Your grandma is living how she wants. More power to that badass old lady!

CharresBarkrey 15

The only FML I see here is for the grandma for having such a lame granddaughter.

CookieLovesBoo 16

I didn't mean to post this sorry . :c

Badass granny all the way. kinda reminds me of Butter's grandma in South Park, "You're grandma's bitch now"

colvindj 22

she's either delusional or telling the truth and really is a badass.

bingbongbingbong 11