By cheese123 - 03/01/2012 05:25 - United States

Today, my grandmother introduced me to her friends as her 16-year-old granddaughter "who has never been kissed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 283
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gazzdogs 5

1. Get Hamster 2. Call it virginity 3. Lose Hamster Close Enough.

Time will come, make it a special moment. Don't take it to the heart.


Never mind op... In Ireland we've these things called teenage discos. Lets just say you would'nt have that problem for long :L Good luck though ^_^

GoW_Chick 14

Meemaw is just being honest can't fault her for that right

Sure you can, it's called airing out your dirty laundry. ;) (example: Hi Dad, this is my friend GoW Chick, she lost her virginity to the prom grade 9. I'd know, she borrowed my car that night. And the smell! Whew! Lemmie tell you!) :) And even if that was somehow true, still not his business. :) (Teasing you GoW Chick! No offense! Love you! Lol!!!) :D

CaptainAwesome2 0

Holy shit this exact thing happened to my sister who is 16, i think it could be her posting this actually... i'll ask...

perdix 29

And then, as you are shaking their hands, tell those people that you've given many hand jobs and check out the looks on their faces. People love irony.

aclumsypolarbear 2

Ehh not exactly "rolling on the floor" material.

That's an old saying. I don't know the origins but it's a thing. Chances are your grandmother never meant to insult you.

TheDrifter 23

Never been kissed was the old polite way of saying a girl was a virgin and thus a proper lady and not a ***** or ****. It may be an out of date saying, but to the old ladies she was talking to, it's a compliment.

For the older generation, that is a complement. It means you are a lady - as opposed to a harlot. A nice girl as opposed to a tramp. A woman to be respected. You get the idea.

hateevryone 14

awww why grandma gotta put you out like that?