By Brie - 05/09/2011 13:00 - United States

Today, my grandmother pulled down her pants and screamed, "Kiss my ass" in the middle of a packed restaurant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 214
You deserved it 3 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should've surprised everyone and licked her ass sensually. Oh god, I creeped myself out.


oklahomaguy 0

You should have ran up behind your grandmother real fast and got yourself a quick piece.

Man that is wrong on so many levels... Even if she's a hot GILF.. You don't do that to your own gran.

Glitterhinoceros 14
bigguy123456 2

I wish that you would show a pic of your face cause your bodies got it going on!!

Yet it's funny how you yourself have your face covered. Hahahahahaahahah Butter on eharmony?

Glitterhinoceros 14

83, my past 2 pictures have had my face displayed Get on my level.

Relax, I wasn't talking about you. And in no way was insulting you.(: You're not the one looking for a date on FML. But I can see where you would get mixed up since I didn't target the number. And I've seen you.(:

OP: YOU may truly believe this is an FML. But I don't think a lot of Georgians would be too surprised.

saIty 17
SlyTail 5
YdoIhaveAchode 4
zachhasse 0