By Rawr - 01/08/2010 10:38 - Switzerland

Today, my grandmother told me she would pay for me to get a nose job. I never thought there was a problem with my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 642
You deserved it 2 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you didn't think there's a problem with your nose, then why are you so bothered? All that matters is if YOU think it looks fine.

At least she's willing. I say go for it OP.


win win situation.. ir ugly ass nose is fixed and ur getting paid... no fml here

destineydeon 0

op you should take advantage of the opportunity. I would give anything for someone to offer me the thousands it costs for rhinoplasty.

sallen0046 4

Ok, so now you know there's something wrong with your nose, or that your grandma somehow got the idea you wanted a nose job. Neither of these is a fml kind of thing. If you're perfectly happy with your nose, you say 'no thank you'. If you're curious, you get a consultation appointment with a credible plastic surgeon, believe it or not, any good doctor will tell you if you don't need surgery. Stop looking at it like it's a bad thing, and appreciate the fact that someone cares enough about you to be willing to pay thousands of dollars to fix something they thought might improve your self-esteem.

DaniBabe1122 0

Spelling is merely memorizing. It has no real significance with your intelligence...stop being such grammar Nazi's. Yes poor spelling is annoying, but it doesn't make them any more stupid then the next. Grammar is where it counts! Sorry OP for your grandma being a bitch. Whatever you choose is the right choice.

rwctkd95 0

at least u have a nose unlike Asians hahaha jk

rwctkd95 0
JCo352 3
KianaCaca 10