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By Master Debater - 01/02/2013 11:05 - Australia

Today, my grandmother walked in on me watching porn on my computer. She looked at the woman on the screen and said, "I used to have tits like that, but look what having 7 kids did to them." Now I'm scarred for life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 060
You deserved it 40 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Troll grandma strikes again. Have fun seeing her face on every naked girls face you ever see.

Shrouds 14

Do your **** hang low, do they wobble to and fro.


Neongreenme 8

most doors have locks. Use them!

that's the best reaction anyone will ever get from their grandmother in that kind of situation.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Why are there so many ydi's on this one?

Because he could have locked the door, and I don't see why he should complain about a grandmother this awesome.

DJAllen 6

That's what you get for watching **** knowing your grandmother is in the vicinity

Epikouros 31

Maybe she got big nipples from breastfeeding 7 kids, so I wouldn't mind having a look at granny's floppy ****.

Dude, my grandmother's from South Carolina. She would've dragged me onto the street and beat me if she ever caught me watching ****. Be glad.