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By Anonymous - 29/06/2013 16:52 - United States

Today, a drunk driver drove his car through my mailbox. He got pissed, started yelling, and threatened to sue me for "putting the mailbox in the middle of the road". If my front lawn is a road, I'm going to have some serious issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 399
You deserved it 2 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

Well, ya know, if life is a highway, it's conceivable that your front lawn is indeed a road. Or maybe you just need a new realtor.

and it's coming from United States. People around the world are going to have a good laugh about this.


graceinsheepwear 33

Well, ya know, if life is a highway, it's conceivable that your front lawn is indeed a road. Or maybe you just need a new realtor.

friedpwnadge 25

That must be driving you crazy.

DyslexicPanda 12

He made some pretty crash decisions.

and it's coming from United States. People around the world are going to have a good laugh about this.

So you mean people in the US don't actually put their post box in the middle of the street?

No, it means that it gives other people from around the world to use the stereotype that all Americans are drinking dumbasses and will sue for no reason other than to sue

I was being sarcastic of course. I don't assume all Americans are arses and will sue for the littlest of reasons.

#20- Not since the Month of No Electricity back in '99.

Epikouros 31

I was born in the Netherlands, in a house at a bend in the road that ran on a river dyke. Every other year or so some drunk driver ended up in our front yard. None of them threatened to sue us, though.

there is never any reasoning with the drunk..

4- You'te right, there isn't. Just pop him one in the face and go back to watching MASH reruns or whatever. You'll feel better and he probably won't remember shit anyways. ;P Orrrrrr, call the cops, I'm sure it'll seem obvious when they arrive. ;)

Offer him another drink and watch them become reasonable.

jw90 18

Goes to show getting drunk and acting stupid had 0 consequences

perdix 29

Now you can stop paying your bills for a while and have a valid excuse!

graceinsheepwear 33

Oh, it took me an hour to figure out what this had to do with not paying bills. 'Cause the mailbox is wrecked! Duh on me. shit.

Drunk idiots are everywhere, but why is suing people always what people go to here? Why didn't you tell me my coffee that I'd sue you if it was cold was hot?! McDonald's made me fat! No bitch, 5,000 carb laced calories a day did that.

7 would you happen to be drunk? If so, go home.

Nope, just some heroin and belly button lint. So can I stay here?

#7 the thing with the McDonalds coffee was that it had been steam heated to twice (or 3x) the normal temp, given to a very elderly woman with arthritis, then when she dropped it, she got 3rd degree burns on her genitals and surrounding area.

That particular McDonalds had been warned more than once to lower their coffee temperature as well. The warning signs on coffee nowadays are to cover for any future issues with dimwitted employees.

You learn something new everyday! Making them reduce their coffee temperature makes more sense than a "caution hot" sign on the lid though.

PulseShock 9

The guy is obviously a dumbass. I'd Seek legal litigation. So maybe you'll get a new addition to the house as well as new mailbox :). Sorry OP FYL

olpally 32

Get his ass locked up and call the cops for destruction of property. And for being a dumb ass.

graceinsheepwear 33

They should have a badge for using "dumb ass" in at least 50 comments. I won't be offended (nor surprised) if you call me one; I left it wide open. Or you might surprise us all.

olpally 32

No, I will not call you one. Very well said, miss.

graceinsheepwear 33

Surprised indeed. Thank you most kindly.

@24, they should. I bet Red Foreman would be proud! :)

thisgirl97 7

I hate stupid people like that, that puts other people's life in danger because their drunk driving. I say just be happy you weren't the mailbox!