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By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 01:19 - France - Thionville

Today, my grandson visited me, and asked if I had any pictures of myself from when I was a little girl. I happily looked for a few photos to give him, asking what had piqued his curiosity. He replied that he wanted some for a presentation he's doing on the Middle Ages. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 450
You deserved it 3 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wlddog 14

See if you can get a pic from when earth was created. That would get him a better grade guaranteed. Perhaps a picture of you riding a dinosaur.


insertnameherr 11

Most are stupid... That's why they need to go to school, and learn. No offence, we were all kids and most grew up smart enough...

wlddog 14

You have confused the word stupid with ignorant again.

wlddog 14

See if you can get a pic from when earth was created. That would get him a better grade guaranteed. Perhaps a picture of you riding a dinosaur.

That is just ridiculous. Everyone knows that dinosaurs were wild animals. Op rode mammoths. Duh

Bubbelz 25

Ah f-ck, note to self: don't read funny comments when yawning...

wlddog 14

There is always a risk in FML. Hopefully you did not rupture a lung.

Yeah, and everyone knows that you can domesticate the majority of carnivorous dinosaurs with some time and a few thousands pounds of mastodon meat. It's ridiculous to think that OP only rode mammoths. It's not entirely out the question that OP wanted speed and rode a velociraptor. Duh.

asnakelovinbabe 16

Dinosaurs aren't real and the world is only 2,000 years old, according to my ex. So sorry, but a picture of OP riding a dinosaur just isn't going to happen.

asnakelovinbabe 16

It's okay 62, that's why he's my ex now!

wlddog 14

What did your ex say when they discovered massive bones and skulls? And we have more then 2000 years of history written down. How does he explain that?

Good lord. The world is billions of years old, and it's ignorant of you to say dinosaurs never existed. Every day we find new things about dinosaurs that help us discover more about our planet.

That is super adorable. Depending on age, when I was little, someone who was just in their 40s I thought was ancient. Kids can be so funny.

hotPinklipstick 24

I was six when I first met my step mom, I asked her what it was like riding in wagons before cars were made. She was 38 at the time. I wasn't a dumb child either, I just thought that 38 was really, really old.

chelsearenaeee 16

Yeah don't take it to heart, OP. I'm sure he was just joking...? Atleast you'll help him get a good grade on the project.

Will he get a good grade? When he's wrong.

Kids say these things all the time. Don't feel bad :)

What a whimsical child you have there, the Middle Ages was such a dark time wasn't it?

The dark ages... Or the time while you were in your fathers balls.

Dark times indeed.. Not knowing wether this one would be in a tissue, someones mouth, arse, or ******..

Bubbelz 25

Okay guys, stop scaring innocent bypassing sperm.