By Anonymous - 30/04/2013 17:55 - United States - Hartford

Today, my guidance counselor told me that I'll have to join my school's special education needs sector. This is because I can't attend school properly due to chronic issues with severe pain. So much for my 3.9 GPA and being in the top 5% of my class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 278
You deserved it 3 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im sure theres is something you can do to avoid that , with grades like that you're school can't let it happen!


Maybe it's for the best. Look at the brighter side, you can now get a 4.0 GP easily

But just think , you'll be an academic king in that environment . In fact you'll probably get slapped a huge scholarship for persevering even with your apparent " disability . Just go with it and profit .

Hiimhaileypotter 52

What's with your punctuation? O.o

Oh geez, another guidance counsellor mishap. I swear, schools just keep them to eff students over. That sucks OP, hope they realize what idiots they are.

The guidance counselor isn't an idiot, he/she is giving the OP a chance to get extra help. Special Ed also includes gifted programs so it's not all "bad." Many kids, who have issues such as the OP does, end up falling through the cracks and struggle needlessly.

funky2525 14

Awww OP, after all that hard work u should still get a chance to attend regular classes, don't give up!

My school was 4.0's and higher (weighted 5.0 with AP classes) all the way up to about... 40%. I was at the 49th percentile with a 3.7.

xStaciexLynnx 15

As my friends used to say- And then you found $20?! Because there must be a point to your story, right?

wlddog 14

Way to go 3. Never stop looking at the silver lining. Soon they will be the coolest kid at the retard table.

datmlechick 2

Hello. I just made an account because I wanted to let you know that a similar thing happened to me. I developed a chronic condition that affected my ability to go to school. While I was technically considered a "special education" student because I was not doing the typical education program, I maintained my first honors standing and was in the gifted and talented program. It's possible, and you can do it. If you have any questions or just want to talk, you can message me =]

What morons thumbed this down? Geez, way to be heartless. 24 - Nice one for offering support - it may not be taken up but it's nice to see people trying to help. Congrats on pulling through yourself.

My son, whom has an IQ over 145 had the same issue in middle school. He has severe asthma & numerous allergies & went to special Ed for a year! He's graduating this year, has been on the honor roll throughout high school, in advanced classes! It's not the end of the world! Do it for a year, then insist they take you out of it! Good luck, OP!

they get bonuses per special ed student... so i'm not surprised, but theres one very simple word that your 3.9gpa should have taught you... "NO"