By whymommywhy - 21/04/2009 03:11 - United States

Today, my hamster gave birth. The babies were very cute and I couldn't resist petting one. Apparently touching a baby hamster will cause it's mother to reject and devour it. I am now know in my family as "The Hamster Slaughterer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 290
You deserved it 26 960

Same thing different taste

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Today I was born, and this strange creature towered over my mother and my siblings, and touched one of my siblings. Later my mother decided to eat the sibling that the creature touched. Now I am terrified of being petted. FML

I'm sorry to hear that. I honestly didn't know that fact either. I don't blame you because you didn't know and therefore didn't purposely do it.


gremple 0

HAHAHAHAHA oh my god, i just had a border-line seizure from laughing at that

Touching a baby hamster will not cause it to die/be killed. Mother rodents often do this if the animal is sick, or if they are too young and can't cope. They eat it as a way of... recycling. Also, some types of hamsters are VERY difficult to sex. You wouldn't necessarily know if you weren't an expert. Either way, this doesn't beat my story. I got a job at a pet shop and on my first week there I ran over an escaped hamster with a dog kennel on wheels. FML.

bsbrulez92704 0

hey i didnt know that either...but since im not very fond of little furry rodents i wouldnt have a hamster. tough lucky buddy we cant all know everything about every animal. you win some you lose some...guess you lose this time