By Noname - 24/02/2009 23:57 - United States

Today, my hard drive on my computer crashed with all of my files on it. I took it to my Dad, who is a computer analyst, to see if he could recover anything. The only thing that he could salvage was my illustrious collection of porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 534
You deserved it 66 401

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Maybe your dad just prioritized.

@ original comment: why would you save it to your hard drive. don't you have high speed internet? stream it buddy, stream it.


How is this an FML? You got your material back!

fake as f**k. how would that be the inly thing he could save?!?! get an f***ing life

redhedsaysrawr 18

Well gee... i wonder why the computer crashed?

drayloon 50

At least he saved the important stuff

I'd say 3 cheers for Daddy great.. i mean, **** collection is a ridiculously priceless thing! :p