By vikhelios - 30/01/2010 18:45 - France

Today, my heating broke. It's 22 degrees outside, and my father won't let us call someone to fix it because apparently the cold helps the soul grow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 389
You deserved it 2 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cuteness69 0

You think 22 degrees is cold !?!?! It's like -22 here ! Don't be a wimp ! :)

That's horrible! Why doesn't he get the heater fixed? If he wants some cold for his soul he can go outside instead of making hix entire family suffer.


Or in the words of Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson "being cold builds character."

Psycho_Babydoll 26

I was going to comment this x)

ya'll need to get your damn temperatures and the difference between Fahrenheit and degrees, cause 22 degrees is nice weather..

ya'll need to get your damn temperatures right and learn the difference between Fahrenheit and degrees celsius cause 22 degrees is nice weather in...

Where i live, that's hot. You would hate scotland

Why would you want the heat on in 22 degrees? That's lovely