By doblex - 20/12/2012 11:19 - United States

Today, my house was broken into. The cop that came turned out to be a guy I fought over a girl with in high school. He sneered and said that everything appeared to be in order, and that I probably ransacked my own house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 390
You deserved it 9 065

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When things get personal, cops are the biggest assholes, just because they have the power to be. Better report that dude.


Lawyer up and sue the state. He'll get fired and when he yells at you about it, you can tell him that everything seems to be in order and he probably just quit.

did you get his badge number and report his ass?

Grass him up to his bosses, that will teach him!!

Night777 4

what he did is illegal it's abuse of power report him and after he looses his job he'll know that being a jerk doesn't pay off

Report his ass. It's abuse of power, and after he's fired, say "I'd slap you but that'd be animal abuse"

Probably still jealous that you got the girl.