By doblex - 20/12/2012 11:19 - United States
Same thing different taste
By XYZee - 22/08/2012 20:27 - United States - Rockmart
By fire0fisis - 03/02/2009 21:46 - United States
By exasperated - 17/04/2014 03:14 - United States - Houston
By Danielle - 06/06/2011 19:00 - United States
By iliketoastalot - 09/08/2011 17:38 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/04/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 13/04/2024 21:00 - United States
By hitandrun - 10/08/2009 18:28 - United States
By Ari - 16/06/2011 04:19 - United States
By rachel - 19/02/2011 01:06 - United States
Top comments
It seriously hurts the reputation of police forces if things like this (personal grudges interferring with duties) become public. Make a complain to his superior, or the Internal Affairs unit of his precinct and it should be fixed promptly...
I take it you got the girl back then?
Internal affairs. I right? Getting hot in here *tugs on collar* I'll show myself out.
What a bitch, still crying over spilled milk.
Talk about not doing his job right. Call his superiors.
Tell him you ransacked that girls pussy a hundred times.
Report him, that would probably give you a pretty good chance of him getting fired.
What a prick. Sorry to hear that OP.
Report him
When things get personal, cops are the biggest assholes, just because they have the power to be. Better report that dude.