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By Eddy - 03/11/2017 23:46 - Australia

Today my housemate had a go at me for calling him by his real name. Since I’ve moved in, he’s started wearing dresses 24/7 and insists I call him Hannah. I have no choice but to live here for another 4 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46
You deserved it 88

Top comments

So you used someone's dead name, are intentionally misgendering her, are doing so in HER OWN HOME that she let you move into, and somehow YOU are the one being wronged here? Exactly HOW does it hurt you to use the name and pronouns requested? Likewise, how does it somehow cause you some sort of injury to see her in a dress? Because unless the clothing is so revealing as to be improper, it should not. Which, in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if her dresses are less revealing than what a large number of men wear as lounge wear- which tends to be just underwear, and if it is particularly cold, shorts.

Well Hannah is a she and YDI for referring to her as "him" and calling her by her birth name. I don't understand how you don't get that she's a girl, not a guy and her name is Hannah. she doesn't need you as a housemate and deserves much better.


So you used someone's dead name, are intentionally misgendering her, are doing so in HER OWN HOME that she let you move into, and somehow YOU are the one being wronged here? Exactly HOW does it hurt you to use the name and pronouns requested? Likewise, how does it somehow cause you some sort of injury to see her in a dress? Because unless the clothing is so revealing as to be improper, it should not. Which, in all honesty, I wouldn't be surprised if her dresses are less revealing than what a large number of men wear as lounge wear- which tends to be just underwear, and if it is particularly cold, shorts.

Well Hannah is a she and YDI for referring to her as "him" and calling her by her birth name. I don't understand how you don't get that she's a girl, not a guy and her name is Hannah. she doesn't need you as a housemate and deserves much better.