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By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 14:18 - United States

Today, my husband and I have been trying to buy a house and start a family together. Now I find out that he just spent $5000 on comic books. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 313
You deserved it 4 513

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mordakai420 6

Better have been mint condition #1

They will be worth 10 times as much later in life! He made an investment!


serenitychaos20 6
emoscreamo7 0

My boyfriend does this with yugioh cards. We're trying to save up for a car lol

catseventhst 0

You never know those comic books can be worth millions some day

Sounds like someones sex life is horrible for him to spend $5,000 on comics

moomoomeow2 7

That's awful, I hope you'll find a way to make things better.

Timja83 0

Well now you know it might be best not to start a family with this guy..

LanaStarr 0

Men are sometimes selfish. I kniw how you feel. But just go get a secret account and save up the miney he cant be mad then. He wont know. Lol

ronandjohn 0