By Naomi - 10/11/2013 10:28 - United Kingdom - London

Today, my husband and I went for our 20 week scan and found out we're having a girl. The first thing he said to me was, "The next one better be a boy or I'm leaving you". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 571
You deserved it 4 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

You obviously have to leave him now. It's the FML rule.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Sometimes I feel like I learn more here on FML than in class.


My cousins husband did the exact same thing!

OMG drop dead! better leave him before that!

Congrats on the baby girl! and sorry that your dimwitted husband doesn't realize he determines the sex of the baby..

Zimmington 21

No. Based on the username It's Naomi

@61: Anne of the 6 wives of Henry VIII...he blamed them for not giving him male expectancy and marriage longevity were not very long because of this. I'm assuming because of your age you either haven't had European History yet, or you couldn't get your punim out of your phone long enough to pay attention during class. lmao

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Zimmington 21

How do you not have a history class?

I'm a freshman and don't get it until sophomore year

@61: Sweetheart, don't try so hard to be big and bad. You're a 15 year old child. In the grand scheme of things, you've been on this planet for about a minute. stfu, indeed.

Mmm don't sweetheart me, and why are you saying I'm trying to be "big and bad" because I'm not. Gtfo

Zimmington 21

That's weird my High school required 4 years of history. Freshman year I took World Geography as a history credit.

That's what I though when I got my schedule at the beginning of the year....

brit628 7

You should make him sleep on the couch for saying that

Well um actually it's his fault biologically the father's chromosomes choose the gender

Next time he says that then tell him he would probably have no better luck with anyone else as it'd be his sperm that makes the baby male or female. Your body and its reproduction system has no say in that whatsoever. It's his swimmers that need to step swim the gender specifications he requires.

Your husband must have failed biology in high school, right?