By Worried - 16/04/2011 10:59 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Naomi - 10/11/2013 10:28 - United Kingdom - London
By bopbop - 20/05/2009 01:21 - United States
By Xandar - 09/11/2018 17:30
By TedX - 19/08/2020 20:07
By ohai95 - 08/08/2012 00:11 - United Kingdom - Worthing
By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 17:01 - Netherlands
By Rich - 26/11/2011 20:50 - United States
By Anonymous - 13/05/2014 05:42 - United States - Las Vegas
By spaceforrent - 16/11/2012 05:51 - United States
By ash - 13/06/2011 03:20 - United States
Top comments
ydi for having a gay kid
that's dick
Ok it doesn't ****** MATTER IF HES GAY but ur wife is a DUMB BITCH for trying to make him be gay because she likes the color pink! It's their decsion if they wanna be gay or not NOT YOURS and all y'all are assholes who don't like gay people their apart of the human race WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!
14= has the opposite genders genitals
I feel as though op's wife was joking. either that or she's batshxt crazy
that moms a bitch cause you cant help it who you love. tryna make him gay will probubly ruin his life forever. someone needs to smack some sence into that chick! unless he wants to make that desision for himself you shouldnt try to do that. paint it red or purple! guys and girls love red or purple!!! :DDD
I personally believe it is not the parents or the Child's choice. I believe that god made them that way. I sometimes wonder if god makes people that way as another form of human population control, because gay couples cannot produce children.
59 - there's other ways gay couples can have children.. example: a lesbian gets a sperm donor
Pfft...Gay isn't a sexuality! Everyone knows that ;)
59 - im not against the choices gay people make at all so dont take it the wrong way.. but god never intended for men to love men or women to love women in that way.. ever heard of soddom and gomorrah? im not religious myself but my whole family is and trust me i know this shit.. god destroyed cities that were full of sin and being gay was one of those sins.. i believe humans can do what they want and be who they want but people who believe god will still love them or whatever is full of shit
Yellow or green are good choices if you want it to be gender neutral. Historically though pink was a boy's colour and blue a girl's, since pink was related to the very masculine red.
Your wife is gay!
Everybodies gay! Seriously though, that's hilarious and I doubt she was being serious. She can't choose the boys sexuality for him either. When he can talk and complain about his pink walls then you should do something.
no I think the op is a boy talking to his child bearing wife.
Nothing wrong with being gay, if it's by choice anyways. Parents shouldn't dictate things like this, so I think the OP's is a crazy biatch :D
LOL yeah right!
Poor little boy. Let's hope for his benefit that if he does end up gay, it's not going to be because of the pink room. Tell her she should sleep with one eye open- he may try to kill her for her attempt someday.
thats preety deep and evil for someone with a spongebob picture
Are you seriously trying to say that room color has an effect on sexuality?? So if I have all gray walls will I be boring? If they are rainbow, will I be a hippie?
Well OP, looks like you'll be having a gay kid! Congratulations!! lol
Watch out in the future..
oh shit an angry gay kid the world is realky going to end by 2012
It's kind of silly but maybe she can feel the baby interior decorating her womb.

Look on the bright side, if the kid turns out to be a boy and if he becomes gay at least he has an accepting mother.
YDI for not standing up to your wife. You're acting like her bitch. Go with a neutral color...or wait until you find out the sex of the baby.