By Anonymous - 22/07/2009 11:29 - Netherlands

Today, my husband and kids celebrated my 50th birthday. I turned 47. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 774
You deserved it 3 825

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dad:kids, tommorow is your mom's birthday! kid: how old is she? dad: .... other kid: she looks, like, 50. kid: yea let's go with that. dad: ok, sounds good


triplethreat13 0

#4 is an idiot. maybe they knew you were only 47, but the closest one at the balloon store was 50? haha i don't know, it's a thought.

haha lol last year I thoguht it was my parents 4th was their

thats not that bad =/ they make think you look younger then you really are its not a FML

Brolin 4

Are you retarded? she IS 47 and they said she's 50, and the the OP, 3 years out of your 47 years, isn't that much, and to the people bitching about it being a big deal, it isn't. If you take care of yourself what so ever, a 50 year old can pass off as a 40 year old, and if you're 47 you can probably pass off for that or younger. My dad is 58 and people don't think he could be older than 45 and there's people who thought he was closer to 30, if you don't take care of yourself then you probably aged badly I still say FYL cause it sucks that your family got it wrong, but don't make it such a big deal.

Think of it this way. You're married to a clever man and have intelligent children who knows how to weasel their way out of three years worth of birthday presents. :] You've done well, my friend.

nymfje 0

Ook gezellig! Nouja ... evengoed gefeliciteerd met je 47e :)

normandin131 0

At least they remembered right?

If you don't know how old a person is, don't celebrate a ... birthday, just leave it at "happy Birthday!" On the bright side, you possibly have three more really big 50th birthdasy comming up, I'd use this if I were you!

If women weren't so secretive about their age that would not have happened! (FYI I am a woman and have NEVER lied about my age)

Stop lying to yourself. Happy 50th Birthday ;)