By Anonymous - 23/09/2009 12:08 - Australia

Today, my husband blew all the candles on his birthday cake while I was taking a photo in front of him. I will probably never use cocoa powder to decorate a birthday cake anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 913
You deserved it 39 482

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yawn, ok, so is this a FML because the camera got cocoa powder on it? Or because it got on you? *beats head on desk*

Cocoa powder is flammable in cloud form, add the candles and....well you can guess the rest


you think your life is ****** because you got some cocoa powder on you? are you a clean freak or something?

anyone watch 1000 ways to die? one way is INHAILING coca powder. so fyl for trying to kill ur husband. LOL.

That show is awesome. I like the one about being in the pressure chamber thing to get rid of the Bens(sp?) and someone opens it. She explodes!!! :)

usually if a pressure chamber is under pressure, opening it is impossible if the chamber is intelligently built... about your comment, I already noticed how you mix things, that's partly why I noticed your comment, going sometimes from one extremes to the other. But this one was too obvious I guess ^^

Yeah, I don't know how plausible it is, but it sounds freakin' sweet. I personally love to cross lines and be as crass as humanly possible. I just refuse to type like an idiot, so I come across as the "smart" type. Edit: Was a reply.

lmao. u need to see into the future better

memeweaver 0

Made some cakes last year for some Army units on the Army birthay- black frosting with the Army Star emblem on it. They were exactly what they ordered. Then people started eating them, and the frosting turned their teeth pleasant shade of purple.

My friend did the same thing with powedered sugar once.

knightknight 0