By mamagelmane - 08/08/2014 04:27 - France - Vervezelle

Today, my husband jolted in bed and while still half-asleep said, "I had a nightmare; I dreamt we had a kid." I'm 8 months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 505
You deserved it 49


sbarua219 17

I found this kinda funny lol

I wonder how he'll react if you shake him awake from his next nightmare telling him that it is time.

this fml might need a bit more detail... what scared you I. the dream?

You're a retard haha did you even read it?

You should've pointed at your stomach and been like "welcome to your worst nightmare." In a creepy demon voice. Omg. Lolol

blissfully_me 16

Could be the nightmare was about something happening to the child and in his half asleep state it just came across wrong. People say weird things when they're not fully a awake.

Not necessarily a bad thing..he's probably nervous! Totally respect that