By ZaraAce - 15/04/2011 11:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my husband of 30 years told me that he thought we should 'just be friends'. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 204
You deserved it 4 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him "haha you're stuck now" and don't sign any divorce papers

abceasyas123abc 12


lmaoatall 6

so you ask him, honey, remember our vows 30 years ago and we said till death do we part?...RRRUUNNN!!!!

leethewrestler 0

wow that blows. 30 years of your life gone right there.

cptmorgan15 2

Ya ya alright, it sucks, but if he doesn't want to be with you then what are you gonna do. Either divorce him or light him on fire. Only two options in my eyes.

ori0324 1

sounds fake. who would say that after 30 years? what is he still in middle school?

muchagente 5

and do you still love him? like, say, you loved him when it all was new? if so: fyl, and i feel really sorry for you. if not: just face the fact that relationships change and be glad that you have found something who is able to name it so you can work it out together.

muchagente 5

and do you still love him? if so: fyl, and i feel really sorry for you. if not: just face the fact that relationships change and be glad that you've found someone who can tell instead of silently hating you and your life together. staying friends after a long relationship can feel better and more secure than pretending love. still, breaking up hurts, and i feel sorry for you.

doc_j 0

invite his best mate over, suck him off on the vouch and when he says something tell him u dont talk about sex with friends

I'm pretty sure that would just emotionally damage them both and complicate the situation. Not to be a buzz-kill.