By Not Mrs Soprano - 08/07/2013 11:57 - United States - Irvington

Today, my husband's recent obsession with The Sopranos since James Gandolfini died went a step further into the ridiculous, when he tried to encourage some ducks to land in our swimming pool by throwing loaves of bread into it, while bellowing at them with a 'Noo Joisey' Wise Guy accent. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 067
You deserved it 3 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel bad for the ducks. LOAVES of bread? They'll die of heart failure before they even get a chance to lay eggs! Think of the children!


I feel your pain OP, but that show was good though... May his soul rest in perfect peace...

I can see how that would be annoying. In your best 300 accent, sparta kick him into said pool.

ILoveMyArm 15

Hopefully it is not an old piece of bread and one of the ducks choke on it.

You sound like you are from philly/new york lol.

I feel like this is an incomplete thought. I mean, what about New Jersey ducks? They enjoy bread? They like to swim in pools? They migrate south for the winter? Come on, man. Don't leave us in suspense!

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe he was thinking of the Anaheim Ducks (hockey)??

graceinsheepwear 33

Yo 25, your comments are sounding like you're from Philly/Jersey but you don't fess up to it in your profile.

K410 18

Hope he doesn't start wacking people now.

Steve95401 49

Tell your husband to "fuhgeddaboutit".

ms_gemstone 5

hahaha.. I'm sorry for you but its too funny

ILoveMyArm 15

I bet you were thinking "Is everyone in my life ******* bananas?"

RedPillSucks 31

I tried that once, but it got kind of messy.

Sinistra_Blue 12

"Hey! Take the bread, little ducks, or you'll be sleepin with da fishies"