By PerfectTiming - 08/07/2013 11:19 - Netherlands - Eindhoven

Today, my dog decided to poop while inside a revolving door. Before I could do anything, the door swung around and smeared it everywhere. My dog excels at timing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 896
You deserved it 4 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pwn17 25

Your dog really knows how to stir shit up.


Pwn17 25

Your dog really knows how to stir shit up.

Pull his tail three times and I bet he'll turn into the devil.

your dog should visit the banks that allowed people such crazy loans that ruined this country.

Aww you poor soul! You gotta clean that shit up too!

To clean up dog shit in a revolving door?

its like a giant kitchen aid stirring up chocolate batter....mmmmmm

This comment was pure distilled awesome, I couldn't stop laughing for at least 3 minutes.

#29 please seek a sense of humor....preferably a twisted one.

challan 19

Then he'll get dizzy and puke... The clean up never ends in this scenario!

Comic timing. Something dogs excel at :)

assassinbanana0 20

Next time you should come up with a comical and original pun. This one was just bad

challan 19

I believe your dog is a evil mastermind. I can hear his chuckle from here. He may be half cat...

TheDrifter 23

If he was all cat and dog sized he would have rushed the door and smeared at a full run.

olpally 32

Of course, the drifter would know^^*looks at evil cat in profile pic* *runs like hell*