By fullalove - 10/12/2014 18:34 - United States

Today, my husband sent me a link to an article titled "5 ways you are unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 152
You deserved it 7 806

fullalove tells us more.

Hey guys. Let me start off by saying how excited I am that I got published! Obviously there is a story behind fml. My husband and I have been together since I was 14, and married since 19 (I'm 21 right now). We have No problems communicating with each other, but we just recently lost a set of twins, which has been really hard on both of us. We have both been dealing with it in our own way, and at times it feels it is tearing us apart. We both have sat down and attempted to work things out together, but at the moment it feel as if nothing will ever be the same. I have shut him out from time to time, which I definitely have tried not to do, but sometimes it feels as if I need to work things out with myself. As for the article, him and I got into it this morning, and I left for work angry. When I got off, I turned on my phone to see the link, which I clicked to the unfortunate page. I did read through it, and it's sad to say I was guilty of a few. I will be working on myself, because I love my husband, and I don't want this tragic event to be the end of us.

Top comments

i think he's trying to tell you something.

Pay attention. Then ask questions for clarification. Not the best way to initiate this sort of conversation but at least he said something.


Hi OP - just wondering if you and your husband have come across the site called Glow in the Woods. It is especially for baby loss ... and my niece who lost a twin found some comfort there. So, so sorry for your loss.

Did something happen that he found out or is he being funny? Hope for the second...

At least he is trying to tell you something to salvage the relationship. Some will just keep quiet, have an affair and let the marriage die out

There's always room for improvement. Don't take offense to it, maybe he's silently asking for you to take notice of what you do.....or don't do.

Maybe you should read it? A marriage is a two way street so try and understand what he is unhappy about. No harm In that

Is posting on FML rather than talking to your husband on there? Give him the benefit of the doubt.

Can you send me that link i need to send it to my girlfriend lol! But hey at least he sent you that and not divorce papers like my dad sent my mom when they found out she was pregnant with me.

It shows he is trying to save the relationship not end it.

ajs1987 15

I read that article this morning too. YDI, take the hint.