By topaz23 - 16/04/2015 16:34 - Canada - Surrey

Today, my husband told me he doesn't see the point in trying anymore, and that he no longer loves me. I was devastated. He stayed on the couch while I went to bed. Ten minutes later, he said, "Do you mind? I'm trying to sleep." and asked me to shut up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 743
You deserved it 3 212

topaz23 tells us more.

I want to thank everyone for their comments. When I went to bed crying it was nearly 4am and he had to pick up our 2 kids from his moms house at 6am. We have our issues and it's just one if those humps we are trying to get over. I posted venting cause I was frustrated. He travels lots for work and hardly sees me and our kids I think a big part of it is depression. Not that that's an excuse. We talked more before he had to leave out of town again today for 2 weeks and we are gonna try and resolve our issues though I'm not sure how well that will work out. But I am trying to stay positive. As much as it hurts he's doing his best to be honest with me and talk it through. We were both just very tired and like I said he had to pick up our kids. We have been together nearly 6 years. And he's the only person I love and trust the only ones I love more are our kids. Now matter how hard this is hurting me right now I am trying to look at the positive and moved forward.

Top comments

That's horrible- I hope you find someone better who will treat you right and deserve you. Until then, just focus on moving on and making yourself happy. It will get better, I promise.

As much as this sucks and hurts like hell right now, he's shown his true colors. (they read: MAJOR ASSHOLE) This is an opportunity to find someone who will actually love and respect you- good luck!


Acting kindly towards you would involve acknowledging he'd treated you badly, he was probably avoiding facing up to that fact! I hope you find someone who has what your current husband lacks - the ability to care for another person enough to stick through the hard times with them and respect them.

(why have a number of comments been down voted) you should have kicked him ass then told him to get the **** out... imo

I was wondering the same thing! Of course we know there is a button to say "your life sucks" but in this case, you can practically feel OP's pain. What's wrong with wanting to take a minute to type something supportive to try to make OP feel better?

Maybe she did something to make him stop loving her? I'm sorry for you to go through that but it wasn't for no reason.

Not all relationships end because of some big cataclysmic event. Love takes work sometimes, some people just drift out of it, say they're distracted from maintaining their relationship by their stressful job or whatever, and then they're too lazy to salvage it.

#25 is right it's not easy being married all of things could of contributed to OP'S husband saying he fell out of love with her and it doesn't have to be her for example OP'S husband could be cheating and feel for someone else. I'm sorry OP I hope things look up for you soon.

Dang I meant to say #29 was right my bad.

That's a hint you married an asshole and that it's time for you to find your prince charming that will treat you like a princess and love you to no end. Don't let him go when you find him.

Yes, of course, but there is THE WAY you deliver the blow and also timing.

I'm just wondering why he would tell you to shut up if you already went to bed and he was still on the couch. But either way that sucks OP. I hope you find someone better!

Ha, that one was bugging me too! Maybe the couch is in the bedroom. Or the walls are thin.

Merylwen 24

No, he told her to shut up because she was in bed crying, and he could probably hear her sobbing from the living room. What an asshole.

That's so sad. I wish you strength as you go through these tough times.

I feel your pain - mine came home from work one day, sat me down and explained that he was tired of being a husband and father and since he paid the rent, could me and our son please leave. Totally out of the blue. Sounds like they could be besties.

WTH ?!!! You don't just drop a bomb on someone like that and just expect to shut the other completely and go have a peaceful beauty sleep !! If someone treated me like that, I would be tempted to throw their shit out on the sidewalk the next day and change the locks ! Sorry for the heartbreak , OP, but sometimes when things get so bad, it's best to separate. However, it's also good to try to minimize the pain on the other as much as possible, which is easier said than done. Hang in there, OP. Hope you manage to find support in this difficult time. From someone who has been there, it does get better after a while, but that does not mean you have to go at it alone. Now is a good time to reach out for friends, relatives, and if needed, support groups. Best of luck , OP !

poppunkette 22

You deserve better op! And he is just an asshole. I hope you come through this all ok