By Tree - 30/07/2010 11:34 - France

Today, my husband told me "The only reason I stay with you is because it's cheaper than paying child support." FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 096
You deserved it 5 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not leave him and get child support anyway

Fuckme19 0


krasian 0

I'm honest, and if that's a bitch then don't listen. :) I say what I see, whether it's towards blacks, whites, asians, and whatever in between. But because it's any comment towards black people at all everyone says it's only racist because they're scared of the black community. I don't have anything against blacks, it's n****** I don't like. Just like I don't have anything against other white people but douchebags I want to run off the road.

krasian 0

"douchebags" Maybe an incorrect word but there's no bad word for the white community in general. Except "cracker" which hardly is past a PG rating.

thesunsetglow_fml 8

not that we know of at least... for all we know , Asians are using some derogitory word like that for us but again, we will never know.. :o

My wife tells me often that I can't divorce her because it'll be too expensive. She says it as a joke after she does something that annoys me. It's funny. Perhaps your husband has a better sense of humour than you do? Otherwise that sucks, but some guys do that and then play on the side.


ydi for being a terrible wife ! Fox would smack u in real life

why would we be scared if black people? wtff


edgarr , u look like a complete ****

krasian 0

When around your friends(if you're white) do you openly say cracker? If that's how you joke and have a sense of humor. When your around a black friend do you say "N*****"? No. Do people have to be careful on who they point a finger at and what they may say because blacks tend to pull the racist card? Yes. Companies, especially big companies are scared to get sued by doing anything "bad" or "wrong" towards them because they immedately say it's because they're black. Not all of them, some actually take it like a man or woman and deal but a lot don't. And it's common for blacks to have a lot of kids and then they continue to get more welfare and housing. It ruins and drains cities like mine. A few years ago my city was doing just fine, it wasn't terribly crime infested but over the past couple years because a former mayor wanted to "Diversify" this place they brought in blacks from around the US. Since then there have been robberies, shootings, and things have gone downhill. Areas that were once nice are being turned into the area no one wants to walk by.

FoxOnTheStreet 9

Not all black people are dumb. Also, if you're going to make sweeping generalizations about the intelligence of a race, you shouldn't type like a second grader.

Once could easily argue that it isn't the race of the people, but the economic standards in which people are living. If you're dirt poor, you're probably going to steal/rob/shoot to eat or steal/rob/shoot to make money. Race doesn't equal crime, poverty equals crime.

FoxOnTheStreet 9

You're quite right, skatterbug. However, there are too many people who have their heads so far up their rear ends they can't even realize that race has nothing to do with a person's actions.

54, how do you "bring in" African Americans from around the US to stay in your town? Do they ship them in crates, or maybe a bulk deal from UPS? Apparently, "diversity" can ONLY mean black people. Forget about all the other ethnic groups...

You're absolutely right, 62. Just because most people under the poverty line tend to be African American, people who cannot understand that getting out of that rut is very difficult, especially when born into poverty, like to blame the first thing they see...the color of skin. It's a damn shame.

now... I wish I was black. WTF.  

80: Exactly what I thought. Shipping people in to use them for your own agenda has another name, and it isn't "diversification." I'm having a hard time picturing the kind of person who'd willingly agree to that.

jojoboo1 0

op that my friend is called a wake up call or red flag. what u choose to do with it is ur decision. good luck.

hpl_fml 0

thts what my dad says about my mom

lol that's mean fox:O but I'm not a **** lol

smokergirl420 0

says the guy with mickey mouse ears. jk :P

well I wouldn't know I don't have black people as a friend. and I don't call my white friends a cracker...never came up.

u racist bastard u don't have any black friends at all where do u live the middle of racist land

ha noo how is that being racists wtff I just said I don't have them as a friend :pp I haven't met any I have but didn't turn out well...

my bad man where I live it's not to have friends of all rases