By julesmommy - 08/09/2011 05:36 - United States

Today, my husband used our last $2000 to buy himself a motorcycle. It's supposed to "save us a lot on gas money." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 982
You deserved it 3 242

Same thing different taste

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Actually, I ride, too. A bunch of my buddies did some back-of-the-envelope math and concluded that provided you don't go for some gigantic liter-sized road sofa that gets under 40mpg, yes, a bike is cheaper. Back when gas was $1-$1.50 a gallon, it wasn't, because any gas savings would rapidly get eaten up by the cost of replacing tires and drive chains. But with gas at $3.50-$4 or more, it works out.

Ah. Great. How's he gonna bring home groceries in that thing?


chilldude69 8

what it saves in gas it will more than make up for it in hospital bill, and funeral arrangement.

It's great for getting to places and it does save a ton on gas money

hmm....don worry girl, we have to surrender to the situationx, but keep hardworking guyx....soon u will have ur car back :D

My husbands motorcycle has saved us a couple hundred in gas per month. Embrace it.

my uncle died on 1 recently… yor shoyld get rid of it

If your uncle's level of intelligence is anything equal to yours it isn't much f a surprise. Just because something is dangerous to some people doesn't mean it is to all. Ignorance -.- As for OP, he isn't wrong, HOWEVER, he should have discussed it with you first.

It will and most can have a shelf on the back to hold two bags paper that is and be strapped down

well you can sell back his motorcycle and get the money with out him noticing then buy him a cheap one lol and say it was more better and higher quality then the one he got with the money you needed.

Hopefully he sold a car to cover the cost...?

And it will. $5 a week on gas is much better than $80 a week