By Anonymous - 06/07/2010 23:08 - United States
Same thing different taste
Bad day
By gwen - 13/04/2021 08:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 07:30 - United States
By homeless - 14/12/2010 18:41 - United States
Sue! SUE!
By homelessagain - 18/02/2017 06:00 - United States - Lorain
Social parasites
By Anonymous - 21/06/2022 16:00
By Anonymous - 03/07/2019 07:00 - Vietnam - Hanoi
By BirthdayBoy - 28/03/2015 03:42 - United States - Madison
Make your minds up
By damngurl - 10/12/2022 18:00
By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States
By LonelyMonkey - 12/11/2009 19:39 - United States
Top comments
Happy Birthday OP
Got kicked off my health and medical insurance on my b-day :-) happy bday OP
birthday win
YDI.. No one else's fault but yours.
pay rent. they tell you before you move in that if you don't do that you'll get evicted..**** your landlord's life.
don't rent or buy a place you can't pay for.
What if op is a minor living with their parents, then you can't say they deserve as it is not Op's fault. just sayin' ya know?
pay your bills
38 op says is her apartment it sounds to me like she lives there alone... I could be wrong.
#38 you're a tool that takes pictures of his own stomach. your argument is invalid.
Looks like it's time to go mooch off your family or friends.
aww poor u just pay ur rent and problemo solved
pay your bills, it's called being an adult, if you have your own place it means you responsible for paying for it. ydi for being irresponsible
sounds like you need a snuggo. you know, to keep you warm while you're a hobo.
58 you don't have a pic so therefor your argument is invalid. if you're gonna talk about my pic please post one up before you talk your useless garbage. thanks :)
Ya know op a lot of landlords rely on that rent money as part of their finances. Youre gonna not paying them and then complain when your landlord who you prolly don't know well doesn't pay the rent for you as a gift? You're a bitch.
here's Christ !!!!!!!
You can cry if you want to u can leave those dicks behind because dicks don't cry and if they did cry then they're not dicks of mine Cuz my dicks huge and "crys" like a geyser.
#38 u have a hott bod :-)
#38 how about u actually get abs so u can stop showing everybody somethin u dont even have.
Well I'm the giraffe so that narrows it down. but I'm not a gay giraffe I was just expirimenting.
115 you're proud of that? lol
any time ppp.
118 why wouldnt i be lol
38 & 115 I think it's time we all put our abs away and play nice it's only fml it's not the wwe thank u that's better
I guess you will be settlling for a cupcake and a candle this year won't you OP?
rwstudents1 abs are way way better. just saying
Because you have tiny arms and spend way to much time working out considering you'll never be a professional athlete or anything similar.
what #44 said
135 i think its time u take ur poopy pants off man. and maybe hit the fym a lil bit man ;)
* gym
like I said rwstudent1 abs are better hand down
I prolly should but I'm too lazy. well I got good metabolism so I stay in shape without doing anything. anyway I don't mean to be mean I'm just sayin. It's good for you though and I bet women like them. but I could care less.
Are freezys the little liquid packets you freeze? if so Popsicles all the way!
The funny part is that 135 is still argueing... wait do they really freeze better?
Lol nvm. Read that wrong. :)
Ice cream is sooo much better than some flavored frozen ice sickle
u just had to ruin it with the mint didnt ya!
90 your pic is slightly gay
Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream
Rw I wasn't tryna argue with you on that last one... and I think mint Is good too but i like the chocolate chips in both ice creams. English toffee and homemade vanilla are good but the best ice cream is a sundae
eww! the chocolate that's on sundaes is so gross it makes me like, gag and spit it out . and those things at dairy queeen- the cherry ice cream dippers that is vanilla icecream with cherry covering it, the cherry shell thing is the most disgusting thing ever ughh, it tastes like that nasty Magic Shell stuff
I've never had it butt I think all stick with the regular cherry on top.
G'night! I guess I'll go too before my battery dies.
Sorry to butt in with something, y'know, relevant, but 109 is correct. If OP paid rent but the landlord didn't pay the mortgage, the house/building could get foreclosed. In some places it's illegal for the new owner to kick existing or leased tenants out in such a scenario, but not always.
Still op should have known that was a possibility and rented an already paid for home from rich people. But I guess you can't really pick and choose. Ydi for renting in the first place. to me that's like throwing money away.
lmao red studnt that pic is kinda old, I'll gladly post a new one showing better definition if it would make you happier :) lmao no **** of course and Raleigh you started an "useless" debate over things that do not matter. :D
could be worse
I guess paying rent > drugs.
hope u get some birthday money sou can pay the rent :D
When you blow out your candles, tap your feet together 3 times and say "There's no place like home". Make sure it's 11:11 PM too. Recipe for an epic wish.
So what you expect people to feel sympathy for you just because it's your birthday?
Oh good grief. That's completely illogical, CCC. You'll never find a landlord if you run credit checks on every potential one, and even seemingly "rich" people can lie, lose their money, or be drowning in debt. Paid-for homes can be sold or used as collateral, resulting in potential foreclosure. That makes no sense; you obviously haven't apartment-shopped.
@222 I didn't know hell was dumb... no wonder nobody wants to go there...
happy birthday! enjoy
that tat is pretty fruity for a guy :/
woe is you OP.
Attention to the haters...There are actually reasons other than failure to pay rent that can cause you to be evicted. Landlord didn't pay taxes and the building is being seized. The city decided that some fat cat building project was more important than the landlords right to own the building. That children is called eminent domain. A much abused tool of city and state governments. Just ask the little old lady in Jersey a few years back who lost her house of 50+ years so The Donald could expand parking for his casino. So get the facts before passing out such harsh judgements.
oh my. but happy birthday !
YDI for being born.
happy birthday from your landlord
looks like you were born to be pushed out of all kinds of temporary homes
so u take the time to post it online somebody need a life !
somebody needs a new face!
You too 81. and I don't feel bad about saying that cuz you didn't feel bad about saying lol to the other dick. There's a lot of ugly bitches on here but if I called every one out on it people would get annoyed pissed and hurt and I'd be a dick. But making fun of uglies is fun so y'all can go at it!
So you take the time to insult someone online. Not only do you need a new face, but you also need a life.
bitch ru retarded
I'm sorry to tell you, but the world doesn't stop for you just because it's your birthday Op. Pay your rent.
It does for me Raleigh :) I didn't have to work the weened my birthday landed on sooo.. face! lmao :D
Ah how horrid! I say get drunk, celebrate after and before work, lol. And then celebrate some more Friday through Sunday :D
Yay homelessness!

Happy Birthday OP
I'm sorry to tell you, but the world doesn't stop for you just because it's your birthday Op. Pay your rent.