By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, my husband was getting undressed. I told my 2-year-old daughter not to go in our bedroom because he was undressing in there. I turned my back and she instantly ran off to my bedroom. I heard her shout "I can see daddy's tail!" Now, she points to everyone's crotch and shouts "TAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 943
You deserved it 7 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouting "tail" isn't the worst thing she could say.

And when she's fourteen, this will serve as an embarassing story.


She's going to hate herself for that when she's older.

Parenting 101 don't tell a toddler not to do something as this is exactly what they will do.

superdom 12

I don't get why the girl shouldn't go in. if she had seem him naked before she wouldn't have commented on his "tail", I'm sure. should be normal for kids to see their parents naked! we don't live in the middle ages

The kid is 2. It's not that big of a deal.

My little girl did the same exact thing lol she is now 5 and still thinks all boys have tails

I did the same exact thing as she did when I was younger. I even called it the same thing.

she probably wouldn't have ran and looked if you said nothing...

I heard kids Calling it snake... she is better though ...just said tail..

Too bad doors don't come with a contraption you can use to make sure they stay closed when the doorknob is turned. Someone should invent one. I suggest we call it a LOCK!