By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, my husband was getting undressed. I told my 2-year-old daughter not to go in our bedroom because he was undressing in there. I turned my back and she instantly ran off to my bedroom. I heard her shout "I can see daddy's tail!" Now, she points to everyone's crotch and shouts "TAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 943
You deserved it 7 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouting "tail" isn't the worst thing she could say.

And when she's fourteen, this will serve as an embarassing story.


Maybe you should close the door next time??

Children. Haha! My four year old calls her daddy's man parts a waggy tail. Thankfully she hasn't ran around yelling it at people. Don't worry, your daughter will grow out of it. :)

Tell me when she asks you where her tail is

There's a reason they call it the terrible two's...

My 3 yr old a few months back, ran into our room to use the en-suite toilet as my eldest was using the main, what she didnt realise was daddy was in here using it and she ran out and said "daddy showed me his penis!" he forgot to lock as they don't really use that loo and I had to inform the daycare, so embarrassing. At one stage they will catch you naked, just got to think quickly LOL