By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, my husband was getting undressed. I told my 2-year-old daughter not to go in our bedroom because he was undressing in there. I turned my back and she instantly ran off to my bedroom. I heard her shout "I can see daddy's tail!" Now, she points to everyone's crotch and shouts "TAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 943
You deserved it 7 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouting "tail" isn't the worst thing she could say.

And when she's fourteen, this will serve as an embarassing story.


My older brother brother and I would take baths together when we were small, and shared the same bedroom until I was 11 years old. I would take showers with my mom until I was 12. The way people go on these days you'd think I'd have been molested by now. :p

The very simple rule is NEVER to say "Don't do this or that" to a child 'caus all they ever hear is what they aren't supposed to do. What you SHOULD say is what you want them to do, in this case, "stay out of the bedroom". But then again, she saw her dad naked, no big deal. She'll live ;)

raeepressley 12

That's friggin adorable! I remember my little sister yelling 'BOY BITS!!!' all the time haha. All because my little brother would run around with his underpants on his head all the time (the three of us are three years apart). I always thought it was cute.

Instead of living in shame. Teach her the proper names and why they stay covered

Hope she only does that to men... Maybe next time don't tell her or better yet maybe have your husband lock the door so she doesn't barge in again...

that could have been a lot worse though..

at that age telling them not to do something is a sure fire way to get them to do it.