By KittyKat - 03/11/2013 14:22 - United Kingdom - Milton Keynes

Today, my husband was getting undressed. I told my 2-year-old daughter not to go in our bedroom because he was undressing in there. I turned my back and she instantly ran off to my bedroom. I heard her shout "I can see daddy's tail!" Now, she points to everyone's crotch and shouts "TAIL!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 943
You deserved it 7 097

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouting "tail" isn't the worst thing she could say.

And when she's fourteen, this will serve as an embarassing story.


To all of those freaking out about this incident, stop. she's TWO. Still in diapers. she'll forget about it next week.

ViviMage 38

Well, penis does come from the Latin word for "tail"....

Hey, at least she's a little kid. This will serve as a funny story for all her friends (possibly even her future boyfriends that you may not want her to see if the day(s) ever do come) when she gets into high school while serving as an embarrasing one for her.

cryssycakesx3 22

I'm sure her daughter will have a boyfriend...

cryssycakesx3 22

when I was about 4-5, I had stuck my hand in the pocket of my mom's boyfriends pants to feel his "roll of quarters."

AntiPrude 26

Not the kind of quarters you were looking to put in the slot machine..

cryssycakesx3 22

Ah children... always doing the exact opposite of what you tell them. But honestly she will forget about it in a few years. And if she doesn't, oh well. Just chalk it up to her being a typical two year old. Could've been a lot worse