By Anonymous - 11/11/2010 01:43 - United States

Today, my husband was looking at a bariatric surgery website and asked him what he was reading. He said, "Oh, your anniversary gift. Surprise!" He wasn't kidding. He got mad when I politely declined his gift, then angrily said "You know, it really hurts when you don't like the things I get you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 587
You deserved it 4 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you should get him a ***** and see what his reaction is!

Some people don't know the facts about the surgery. In order to even be considered for the surgery, you have to be at least 100 pounds over weight. Maybe the guy is just a superficial prick who wants a super model instead of a normal weighted women. She may be slightly over weight but not enough for the procedure. People that just assume she is obese is just making a jack ass of themselves.


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babytiger319 0

bariatric surgery = surgery to treat one is assuming anything

sinnedrebel 0

really, really go practice falling down vee

Some people don't know the facts about the surgery. In order to even be considered for the surgery, you have to be at least 100 pounds over weight. Maybe the guy is just a superficial prick who wants a super model instead of a normal weighted women. She may be slightly over weight but not enough for the procedure. People that just assume she is obese is just making a jack ass of themselves.

I'd put some hard work into Layin off those steroids. out b4 random steroid rage

my mom almost died from that surgery. it's an extremely risky procedure and not something to be taken lightly. at all.

funzcpl 0

ok so if your fat or if he thinks your fat then do something about it. forreal nothing makes me sicker than a woman that doesn't take care of herself, workout, keep your appearance together and ALWAYS smell nice and use lotion! unless you have some medical reason for being over weight and can't help it.

Assuming she's fat just because her husband thinks she's fat is pretty flawed reasoning. It's like pronouncing someone guilty based on just one person's testimony without looking at the other evidence. I hope you hold men to the same standards too, funzcpl. God forbid that women tolerate cavemen in this day and age.

c8750 2

Fun, what are you like 12? You do realize that genetics have alot to do with weight & some people are chunky no matter what they do, right?

ThatOneDouchebag 0

Well, I was chubby until I got fed up and joined the cross country team. now I have a six percent BMI.

RedPillSucks 31

Whether she's fat or not, the only thing that matters is whether she is comfortable with her body image.

boatkicker 4

Either OP is very fat, or her husband is an idiot.

I'm not even going to go into all the idiotic things about this comment. You're just a stupid tool. lol

riggens7522 0

my ex's dad was going to get the surgery but they told him he had to lose weight first... so he didn't get it.

Surgery is an odd present. If you are actually obese and not interested in surgery, maybe you could ask him for a membership to a gym or Weight Watchers. How polite was your refusal? Was it actually a little sarcastic? Were you offended and it showed? I'm not saying you would've been wrong to react this way but it does help to determine how big of a jerk your husband is. His overblown self-pity at the rejection of his gift was a little much. Either way, it's time to have a talk.

(sorry if this posts twice, I'm using the app...) I agree, but maybe the husband's reaction wasn't so outrageous. It depends on if OP was really as polite as she said she was. Usually if someone has to put emphasis on something normally assumed (politely declined....) then they're lying. "Methinks the lady doth protest too much"...

OP, take the surgery gift. You probably need it. After surgery, learn to enjoy swallowing, too. Happy Husband = Happy Life. I'm just sayin'.

his needs are irrelevant, since he's only a man. he'd better learn to use his tongue really well after this one!

perdix 29

To be a candidate for bariatric surgery, you have to be ******' HUGE -- not curvy, chubby, pleasantly plump or whatever -- they'll only cut you if you are morbidly obese. With the money he was going to blow on that, he can now afford a nice harpoon, and try this whole marriage thing again with a woman who won't let herself go to pot.

c8750 2

Perdix, the last part of your comment is just wrong. Funny, but wrong

RedPillSucks 31

Going to pot is awesome, but they say smoking is bad for you.

perdix - that's true that they only accept people that are obese, but it seems like OP's husband hadn't actually acted on the idea yet, but had been caught researching and so unveiled it. Maybe he has some screwed up image of what "fat" is and OP isn't really that overweight.